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  2. Contact

Contact Deutsch English

For your inquiries, you are welcome to contact us by telephone on 06894 / 998 997-0 ( for our St. Ingbert Main office ) or 06321 / 915 26 69-0 ( for Neustadt Branch )
If you are calling from outside of Germany, please use: 0049 6894 / 998 99 7-0 (for our St. Ingbert Main office) or 0049 6321 / 915 26 69-0 (for Neustadt Branch) You are also welcome to send us an E-Mail ( ) Alternatively, you can let us contact you by filling out the following Contact Form. Your data will be processed confidential and won't be given to third persons.

Contact Form

Title   Mr.   Ms.
Name: * Company: Street, Nr.: * Post Code/Zip, City: * Telephone: * E-Mail:  I am interested in the following stair lift solution:
stair lifts   platform lifts   vertical lifts   wheelchair lifts   hydrolift   caterpillar lifts   pool lifts   other
I would like to receive information
per Post     per E-Mail    in a personal visit
  For a follow-up telephone call, please call me: